Planned Features
This list shows all features planned for implementation in logbook app. Many thanks to all contributors. The order is not necessarily the order of implementation!ID | Feature | Beschreibung | Status |
CLOU | Clouds | Next to the existing option to show cloud coveragy by percentag, cloud coverage should alsobe for the specific cloud type. Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, Cirrostratus, Cumulunimbus, Altocumulus, Altostratus, Stratocumulus, Nimbostratus, Stratus, Cumulus. Including a simple cheat sheet/pictures | Open |
PPCL | Checklist | Next to packing list and safety list, add also possibility for individual checklists or sections in checklist. Potential examples are:
Open |
NITE | Night detection | Each record should have a flag whether it is day or night. This can be determined by the records position and time. With this additional information it will become possible to highlight in statistics how much time/distance was covered during day or night. (It would also be possible to change the weather icons at night. E.g moon icon instead of a sun icon) | open |
CREW | Crew | Crew Management
One entry per crew member, and in each entry you can see which crew member is performing which role (helmsman, navigator, etc.). This can then be exported per person. e.g. Person X had done Y hours of navigation over Z nautical miles. This also allows the crew to be changed in a log book.
Crew Metadaten Integrate the entries usually requested by the harbor master (date of birth, place of birth, passport number etc.) with this crew list and also in the PDF printout. The crew list should also be exportable as a single document e.g. for the harbor master or charter company. The following metadata for each crew member:
Open |
NMEA | NMEA improvementes | NMEA engine RPMAdd support for engine RPM in NMEA to automaticall switch between sailing and engineNMEA Engine operation hoursProcess XDR NMEA sentences for air temperature, air pressure or engine hours. See red bordered for engine hour example$YDXDR,C,42.0,C,Engine#0,U,14.1,V,Alternator#0,G,2215.70,,EngineHours#0*50
NMEA water depth DBTSupport for DBT next to DPT sentencesSupport of individual NMEA setsSome manufacturers have individual NMEA sentences that are not part of the standard for values such as engine on/off, tank contents diesel or water, engine speed, etc. As these are implemented differently by each manufacturer, it would be great to be able to configure them yourself in the app. E.g. with regular expressions or similar. |
open |
FUEE | E-engine | Fuel Usage calculation. Lt/hour set in the settings and then tank reduces over time while engines running.
+ E-engine support like battery capacity etc. |
open |
IHZK | |||
STTT | Status | Buoy and Docked as own dedicated status next to moored and anchorage.
What about two more status options (for motor and sail): A) Adrift (under way but not making way, no engine, no sail, not moored, not anchored, not aground ;) I do this a lot. Heading out in the open gulf for some miles, switch off the engine and relax in the sun while being “Adrift”. Fisherman do it as well. B) Aground / Beached “Aground“ to meet the ColRegs and for a bit of fun. “Beaching” is popular with power boaters. New status: waiting for bridge or Inside lock. Reason is: they will count as travel-time but not as engine-hours |
Open |
TIDE | Tides | Add a tool to show tides for the current area. | Open |
IPWL | |||
SAIL | Sail | Option to define the sails on the boat, so each specific record can have detailed information about the sail setup. E.g.: Genoa (100 1 reef 2 reef 3 reef furled) staysail (same settings as Genoa ) asymmetrical (up or down) reacher (up or down) mainsail (same as Genoa). The status of the sails should follow through records until changed. One should be able to change via Apple Watch. | open |
INFQ | Summary | Add a summary over all logbooks instead of just one | open |
IPLI | Daily chores adjustable | Make daily chores adjustable | open |
PDFX | Map in PDF when staying in harbor
Do not export a map for days which are completely in harbor / same location without moving
Confirmation of nautical miles Defined export format which can be used especially for confirmation of nautical miles PDF Free text Additoinal PDF layout to have comments and pictures next to the record instead of an extra page PDF: Pictures Option to attach as many images as you like at the end of the logbook PDF image quality Option to define image quality/compression to get smaller file sizes with many images in PDF PDF Export Option to exclude images from PDF export to reduce file size PDF Export It should be possible to export the PDF also without internet, even if maps are not embedded in this case. PDF page 2 A optional legend for weather symbols etc. on page 2 of the |
open | |
IHLM | Postion unit | Individual location formats. e.g. dd° mm sss instead of dd° mm.mmm | open |
VOLT | 12V/24V | I have a 12V starter battery and several 24V consumer batteries that I monitor as one bank. It would be great how with the tanks could also manage multiple batteries | open |
USCG | CG-719S | Provide Export possibility to create a CG-719S form (for US Cast Guard if applying for a license) | open |
WACH | Watch plan | I would like to be able to create a watch schedule (if the crew is stored). Then a link to the start screen: who is on watch and for how long? Whose turn is it afterwards? And: an alarm clock is set and alerts the person whose turn it is next. | open |
ISXR | Bulk update weather | Bulk change weather in a logbook, similar to updating the state of a record | open |
SAFT | Safety checklist | The content of the safety checklist should also be transferred to a logbook entry when you create a logbook entry in the list. | open |
MULT | Multi Tracking | I particularly like using Live Tracking. It's a simple way for me to show friends where we are at any given moment. Once a year, we sail in a larger group with up to 8 boats. It's not a regatta, but more like a flotilla. We usually agree in the early morning which harbor we will meet in the evening. Since we have different boats, from 32 to 48, everyone sails as they like. We then use your app to see where the others are. However, it is extremely cumbersome to have a separate link for each ship. Would it be possible to display different ships on one map? | open |
IXBB | Moon | Add moonrise/set | open |
IWGK | Supplementary live tracking | When losing internet connection and connecting back to internet later, supplementary upload the track if the Live Ttracking feature was used to share location with friends | open |
PDFS | Statistics in PDF | Include statistical information such as average speed in the PDF export. It would be good to have speed average and Max speed for the day and a summary for the date range at the end of the report giving total miles, av speed and max speed. | open |
MMOV | Move record on map | When moving a record on the map, make the map moveable instead of the record. And confirm move at the end. | open |
IYEW | Offline maps | Possibility to make a area of maps offline available | open |
IDMD | Speed filter | Wehn the state is anchor or moored, it should be not possible to log a record that includes a little amount of speed (e.g 0.1 kts). Filter all speed less than 0.5 kts if state is anchored or moored. | open |
INVE | Quickmaneuver | When editing the frree text field (notes) of a record, make the user defined quick maneuvers availabel to chose one | open |
IWBC | Logic checks | Add tool to make some plausibility checks to a logbook and to be able to identify records with obviously wrong data | open |
IKLU | Reset | Possibility to reset all settings to default as after clean install. | open |
IIVK | Link to Anchor records | Add direct link in statistics to records that obviously recorded some travel despite they are in status anchor or moored | open |
IHGX | Cruising kitty | Cruising kitty | open |
IHLP | Picture mapper improvements | 1. Multiple pictures per record. 2. Map multiple pictures to one record | open |
IBLL | Hide icons | On the first log overview screen it is already possible to change the icon order, however it shall be also possible to hide some icons or all. | open |
ICDN | iPad Map view | As there is sufficient space on an iPad add the map view for each record to the detail view in SplitViewController | open |
ILJZ | Split log | Split a track log on map by adding a "split-option" to a specific log record. | open |
IRMM | |||
IDQB | |||
IRAN | Expenses: Yacht owners also like to keep track of costs :-) so might be a nice extension to be able to create cost categories (eg. insurance cost, mooring fees, maintenance etc.) or list out with the technical log. | ||
IEDM | Weather comparison | Page to compare the three weather data providers to select the best fitting one | open |
IDXX | Font size | Make font size adjustable with the iOS wide font size setting | open |
IUHR | Windspeed | Option to show wind arrows not related to beaufort scale but knots. | open |
ITEE | Third log button | Next to status-button and quick-maneuvre-button a 3rd button to log daily chores immediately. | open |
ISGX | |||
IMHY | MOB | Option to initiate MOB from Watch including re routing to MOB position | open |
IUCK | |||
IQPN | iPad Split View | when you change the status and a new log entry is created that entry should always come up in the detail panel. | open |
IGOW | Free text space | the end of the logbook some free pages, for free text, maintenance stuff and so on | open |
IUDY | |||
IODL | Free POIs | Possibility to add dead reckoning positions to the map. | open |
IHDX | |||
IZJX | |||
IEIC | Delete change protected logbooks | Right now it's not possible to delete or remove change protected logbooks. The intention of write protected logbooks is to avoid changes to the entries, but it should be possible to decide to delete an entire logbook for example a test logbook. | open |
IWGV | Logbook change | Some users have the demand to switch between logbook regularly (e.g. daily). Make it possible to see easily which logbook is selected and to switch them without need to go to the app settings. | open |
IUTK | Hide unused resources | Unwanted fields such as the battery voltage of additional batteries, tank levels for the second or third water tank, etc. should be possible to be hidden so that they do not distract the user. | open |
IEZG | |||
IQPG | |||
IHAH | |||
IRIF | Apple Watch | It would be really great to be able to configure the companion app on the watch to show data you might like? Eg I would probably get rid of the temp (as it’s not really useful and I don’t have the sensors on the boat anyway) and replace it with NMEA depth, which would be amazing while anchoring as I. | open |
IZIG | |||
IBBJ | Statistics movement distance moored | Hours moored is largely irrelevant to most people as it’s usually when the boat is on its home birth. Ideas: Have a moored and home state and/or have the ability to toggle moored or home on and off in the stats.... Reason being that for most boaters the moored is going to be a huge number compared to the others which makes the graphs sort of pointless as you only see moored as 99% of the donut. | open |
IHVF | |||
ISFO | Wind history | Graphical chart of wind history during the day | open |
IHVW | |||
ISSY | |||
ISAJ | Additional fields in Export | Add the following data, at least in CSV export and ideally in PDF report : Apparent Wind Speed (AWS), Apparent Wind Angle (AWA), Speed Through Water (STW?), Course Through Water (CTW?) NB: Speed Over Water is important when combined with True Wind Speed to build the polar data of the sailboat or to compare with polar reference data. | open |
IZNH | Apple Pencil | Support for Apple Pencil in a record. | open |
IHIK | Photo of ship | Possibility to add a picture of your ship to the front-page of the exported PDF | open |
IBMU | Overview in statistics | there is a big white field just about every date. There you could offer further information, such as Destination port, total distance of the day. So you can see immediately when the trip to WarnemĂĽnde was and click again to get details. That would probably be easy to implement and very useful for owners. | open |
AREC | Auto records | Currently you can create automatic entries according to distance or time, but not both at the same time (whichever comes first). | open |
WEAT | Wind | Perhaps it would make sense to divide the weather area into actual weather and weather forecast? It would also be nice if AWA (Apparent Wind Angel) and TWA (True Wind Angel) and the wind strength at the respective time can be entered in the logbook. Maybe something similar to the KĂśG or FĂśG menu. | open |
AVST | End of voyage stats | End of voyage stats example: 0-3 hr AV STW AV SOG AV VMG %sail. AV windspeed AV TWA 3-6 hr 6-9hr Also percent time by types of sails with AV STW and AV SOG Histogram by wind angle and wind speed |
open |
SMSM | Watch Miles | Ability to reset miles shown in watch app (respectively complication) without affecting the overall miles from the app. In other words a option to show only the daily miles instead of the overall miles. | open |
HUMI | Humidity | Add field in database to store humidity, and pre-fill also from internet when possible. | open |
LOCK | Lock | Possibility to count locks passed. | open |
KRAE | heeling | You already can measure your heeling with the existing tool. However it would be nice to record the heeling automatic in each record as long as the iPhone lies flat on the navigation table this should be possible | open |
IMG1 | Photo and text | Possibility to add text and photo in one step instead of two steps | open |
STCL | Cluster statistics | It will be good to have statistics not only per day but between stops (moored or anchored for more than 1 hour for example or marked record as stop) | open |
SORT | Data source priority | Is it possible to make data source not a selection but priority? ta will be taken from first available source going through priority list.. Everything that is below “none / leave empty” should be ignored. | open |
THRD | PDF engine/tank overview | Possibility to hide unneeded tanks (water, diesel) in the user interface. And hide engine 2/3 and tanks 2/3 etc. at the bottom left of the PDF if no values are available because, for example, there is no second tank. | open |
TANA | Rename tanks | Option to rename tanks so crew does not mistake them. | open |
SHAK | Alternative to create a record | I wonder if it would be possible to create a log just by shaking my phone. In fact, in some stressing situations, we do not have time to open a log « smoothly », il you understand what I mean. | open |
SIGK | SignalK | Support signalk next to NMEA | open |
HRSM | Maintenance after utilization time | A possible enhancement to maintenance might be the introduction of hours used. An example would be engine hours, maintenance would be scheduled after a predefined number of hours used. This would require a regular update of hours for each of the items on the boat eg. Engines, watermaker, generator etc. | open |
FLAG | Flags | international flag set: I have a bag full of host country flags, but which one is which? Or you see a boat and want to know where it came from. I would like to see the international flag set in your skipper manual section. If that bloats the download of the app too much then as a button to download and update. | open |
PROG | Prediction | On the Statistics page you can see the distance covered, among other things. If the day is not over yet, I would like a forecast for 24 hours | open |
NAIS | AIS | Possibility to record AIS data received via NMEA. | open |
AUPI | Autopilot | I log the autopilot settings locked heading true or apparent wind mode and locked wind angle. Currently I add this in the text and created a custum manoever for that. Any any chance to gat a standard entry with easy entry? | open |
PDF7 | PDF Export lite | Export lite: Current functions allow full export. But normally in many cases, one might not require the full log export, for example for the skipper to share with the crew, the interesting stuff are the whole trip statistics and the track itself. I think it could be a nice feature, to have such a light export, as these be easily shared in messengers and posted in social media. Currently I make screen shots from the app to share them at the end of the passage. | open |
FPRI | Highlight last cell | After editing a record and returning the log table, the last changed cell should be highlighted | open |
TREI | Float | New state Float next to Sail, Anchor, Moored, etc. | open |
RECB | Autorecords moored | Two different settings for auto-records. One for normal operation and another configuration for moored/anchor. | open |
ENHO | Engine operation hours | Next to decimal it should be possible to store the data also in h:mm format. | open |
POIM | Planned POIs | You always think before the trip which places you want to visit or where you can anchor. A great possibility would be if you can tap on the logbook map a (waypoint) location and then enter the planned date and a short description. The places are then always displayed with a crosshair and you can use them as a guidance. | open |
PDF1 | Export with filter | Be able to export into PDF logs between two dates, and not the whole logbook | V2.71 |
ETMA | Days run / nautical day | Stats are noon-to-noon, not midnight to midnight. For example it is common practice to keep a record of noon-to-noon 24-hour run. Possibility to have this option in settings, either calendar day (as now) or noon-to-noon.
+ I would have liked to show the end of each 24 hour period so you can see the progress you’ve made. |
Done V2.42 |
IAZC | Retrospectively change engine | Changing the logbook in this way only works if you have one engine, and as a Catamaran we have two! For example, if the wind dies and we turn on the port engine to keep our speed up, but forget to change the logbook, we can amend the records to show we were motor sailing, but we can’t tell Logbook which engine we were using. Can you please therefore include an window which asks which engine is in use when you change the status to Motoring or Motor Sailing? | Done V2.42 |
ICLD | iCloud | Support for database in iCloud | Done V2.43 |
FUEL | Fuel / E-engine | Show fuel in percentage OR liter/gallons/etc | Done V2.45 |
SRCH | Search function | Add a search facility. I would like to use the logbook to record when the engines, water maker and generator were serviced, but worry I will never find the entries again! | Done V2.46 |